Whilst his calm and articulate speech is welcome, I feel one of his greatest qualities is that he listens to his patients and answers every question as though it were the most important one in the world.
Steve Solleveld
January 2015
I was referred to Mr Ishaque with severe back pain that several months of physiotherapy, acupuncture and manipulation had failed to resolve. He took time to listen to my description of the pain and took a detailed history so that he could build a definitive picture of what had happened to me over the years, how my back had had several mishaps before and how I was suffering at the moment. Throughout this initial consultation I was left with the overwhelming impression that this was a caring and professional doctor who really took an interest in my problem and who wished to help me.
Following the initial consultation, Mr Ishaque arranged for me to have an MRI scan and then on the subsequent appointment took time to explain in detail, using terms that I could understand and the actual images, what the scans showed. He justified his diagnosis with his calm, confident and articulate description of the images and then left me in no doubt as to the course of action that he recommended.
Whilst surgery is always a possibility when discussing any treatment with a surgeon, I really appreciated Mr Ishaque’s approach whereby we agreed that surgery should be a last resort due to the inherent risks associated with such invasive procedures on a spine.
I am pleased to say, therefore, that the treatment I underwent under Mr Ishaque’s skilful hands, whereby my back was injected under a General Anaesthetic, has been a complete success. A General Anaesthetic is generally an unpleasant affair with some feeling of disorientation and nausea afterwards, but because I was only out for about fifteen minutes the recovery was very fast and I was chatting with the nurse almost instantly after I awoke. The whole recovery process was very easy.
At the follow up appointment, Mr Ishaque again took pains to describe the images he had of the needles in my back. All though probably less clear due to the lack of contrast (due to a shellfish allergy), Mr Ishaque was confident from what he saw that the injections were delivered to the correct sites. He has proven to be correct as the transformation from before to after has been like night and day. Where before sitting for any period was uncomfortable and sleep neigh on impossible, I have now a fully functioning back that has enabled me to have a normal life once again.
Throughout my treatment under the hands of Mr Ishaque I have developed a strong impression of a most caring, competent and professional doctor to whom I would recommend anyone. Whilst his calm and articulate speech is welcome, I feel one of his greatest qualities is that he listens to his patients and answers every question as though it were the most important one in the world.