Testimonials > This change about is directly the result of immediately getting the right advice from the right professional person.
This change about is directly the result of immediately getting the right advice from the right professional person.
Charles Eveniss
July 2018
In May 2018, I requested the name of a consultant orthopaedic spinal surgeon from my chiropractor, because of my on-going severe back pains, problems with walking and that I was starting to stoop and bend forward like my late ninety-three-year-old mother.
My wife and I had just spent a holiday week in Tenerife, stuck in our apartment for three days. I was unable to move properly because my back muscles had seized and the pain could not be controlled by just Codeine. Any movement or walking left me heavily dependent on my walking stick to support me and getting into a pain free sleeping position in a strange bed, was not easy or comfortable.
My wife and I then decided that enough was enough and that I needed specialist help and advice immediately, rather than later. It was raid the piggy bank time as I would be self funding the consultations and any hospital treatment.
On the 18th May we attended the Nuffield Hospital and met Mr. Ishaque for the first time.
I had had an MRI scan done on my spine in March 2017 and therefore it was sensible to have another done so that accurate comparisons could be observed, noted and acted upon.
On the 29th May, we returned to the Nuffield Hospital with the plain radiographs and listened intently to Mr. Ishaque’s comments and his valued responses to our many questions about my current condition and what to do next.
I then admitted to Mr Ishaque that I have always been terrified of needles and injections plus having very high blood pressure problems.
I accepted Plan A - which was a four-week course of specific daily physiotherapy for back strengthening and core stability excercises – at home and at the local swimming leisure centre.
Plan B - (the injections) - was not discussed at this time.
Going to the centre, to avoid clashing with school and swimming society pool reservations, meant that I had to be in the water during the free swim period from 07.00Hrs each morning. Our cats and dog loved my early awakening because their breakfasts were now served before they even allowed me out of the house.
In the film Chariots of Fire, they had the athletes running along a beach and into the incoming sea water to strengthen their leg muscles. In my imagination – that was your truly leading the pack each morning.
I felt a little embarrassed at first but there were other people swimming to help reduce their weight, improve their health and posture – I was not alone.
When I was not swimming, I faithfully did the agreed floor exercise plan daily to continue my determination to avoid Plan B.
The pain did ease and I managed without the need to take any analgesia for this four-week period. I have now found that I can walk short distances, without my walking stick, and this is slowly increasing – a definite mental boost to my confidence.
Last Friday, we both attended the Nuffield Hospital and I was highly delighted that Mr. Ishaque was so pleased with the improvement in my health - that I was discharged from his clinic. I had achieved so much in such a short period of time.
I must and will carry on swimming and doing my daily exercises for life. This change about is directly the result of immediately getting the right advice from the right professional person.
Getting my life back to normal!