Mr. Ishaque’s reassuring, professional, confident and above all caring manner helped me so much during this difficult period of my life.
Irene J Byrne
October 2011
I was given Mr. Ishaque’s name by the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital after my G.P. suggested I see an Orthopaedic specialist after a severe fall had left me in agony. I was unable to straighten my neck and my right shoulder, arm and hand felt twisted and ‘trapped’. As an insured private patient, I was able to make an appointment within three days. His calm, professional, caring attitude helped me immediately. I was booked in for a M.R.I. scan two days later and received the results within a few days.
Mr. Ishaque recommended a three month wait to see if the damage to my neck vertebra would heal itself, releasing the trapped nerve. Not being rushed into an operation helped me tremendously. It gave my body time to try to heal itself and my brain time to come to terms with the thought of having a very scary operation.
After the three months, my injuries had not healed themselves and Mr Ishaque confirmed I required a cervical disc replacement. Again his confident, professional and caring attitude calmed my nerves and helped me face the operation.
I awoke to see Mr. Ishaque speaking on a mobile phone, I found out later that he had called my husband to let him know that the operation was a complete success. He looked over giving me a thumbs’ up and I knew everything was fine. I have had two follow up appointments with x-rays, which have confirmed the success of the operation with the bone graft growing just as it should and Mr. Ishaque is completely happy with the disc replacement.
Mr. Ishaque’s reassuring, professional, confident and above all caring manner helped me so much during this difficult period of my life. His expertise as an orthopaedic surgeon cannot be underestimated and I believe I was extremely lucky to have found him after my accident.