Mr Ishaque always took the necessary time to explain all I needed to know, and more, in simple layman’s terms.
Nigel Barrett
January 2014
At 41 years young with a keen love of sports 2013 was not the year I had anticipated! What started out in February as fairly mild discomfort, peppered with a few sharp twinges in the lower back, progressively worse before taking a sharp turn south over the summer months, despite numerous visits to physiotherapists and a chiropractor.
By early September, following numerous GP, Physiotherapy and Chiropractor visits, I could no longer drive, walk properly or even stand up straight and sport participation was a thing of the past, the pain in my lower back and left leg by this points was excruciating and unrelenting. I requested to be referred to Mr Ishaque, I had done some research and was particularly drawn to the fact Mr Ishaque viewed surgery as the last option and, where possible, preferred to administer injections to assist with a more natural resolution. Although I wasn’t fully against surgery, I wanted to give my back every chance of recovering without surgery, particularly due to my frequent participation in sport.
Within 7 days I was sitting in front of Mr Ishaque and I can honestly say I have never been made to feel more at ease by anyone in the medical profession as I did by Mr Ishaque. Immediately I saw someone who was fantastically efficient but never rushed and took a deep interest in my problems. Albeit I doubt if any of my consultations lasted more than 10 minutes, all my questions were answered and Mr Ishaque always took the necessary time to explain all I needed to know, and more, in simple layman’s terms. It turned out I had a severely herniated disc and Mr Ishaque commented I was “entitled to the pain” I was enduring. Mr Ishaque booked me in for injections the very next day. Unfortunately, due to the severity of the herniation the chances of the injections being a 100% success were slim but we agreed it was worth giving them a shot, and although they did provide me with an element of relief I was left with no alternative other than to undergo surgery. Having gotten to know Mr Ishaque and his team a little better by then, I had absolutely no reservations in them carrying out the required discectomy. The surgery was performed mid-October and within 4 days I had completely stopped taking pain relief medication. Four months on, as I write this, I am more or less back to normal; working full time, driving, cycling, swimming and looking forward to the golf season starting in the autumn.
I would like to take this opportunity to formally and whole heartedly thank Mr Ishaque and his team for not only “fixing me” but also for looking after me so well. People may say they are only doing their job, however this team far surpassed my expectations and albeit it is not a road I would like to journey down again, the team, and in particular Mr Ishaque, made the journey so much easier.