He made me feel entirely at ease, confident that I will receive the best care available and I have no hesitation whatsoever in offering my full recommendation of him.
Roger Brown
April 2012
A proposed hip operation by Mr. Edward Davies revealed the first indication that my spine was severely damaged following a fall from the roof of a combine harvester some 15 years or so earlier. It was on his advice and subsequent referral that led me to the Priory Hospital for a consultation with Mr. Ishaque.
On my first meeting I was in chronic pain, unable to walk and therefore, wheelchair-bound. The problem was identified by Mr. Ishaque from an MRI scan. While having on-going treatment, which included three injections over a period of time, Mr. Ishaque informed me that, whilst an operation is not out of the question, it would by no means be straightforward and that other options should be taken first. His treatment to date means that I am no longer relying on aids for mobility; the situation continues to be monitored with pain being controlled to a manageable level and I am now in a situation where I can lead a comparatively normal life. Should the condition become chronic again I would have no hesitation in taking his advice on whatever treatment he advised.
As indicated previously, Mr. Ishaque was highly recommended to me by a fellow Surgeon and I have found him to be approachable, professional, clear and concise in his explanation of my condition. He made me feel entirely at ease, confident that I will receive the best care available and I have no hesitation whatsoever in offering my full recommendation of him.