At the first meeting I was treated with the utmost respect and courtesy, immediately feeling at ease with Mr Ishaque
David Chance
November 2013
I would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank Mr Ishaque and his team for the absolute professionalism and courtesy that has been extended to me since March of this year in the treatment of my lower back and leg pain. Having suffered a herniated disc in 2009 and suffering the excruciating and debilitating pain that goes with this, I was filled with horror and despair when the pain returned in 2013. The treatment in 2009 had been a micro discectomy, on the advice that there was no viable alternative. The operation resulted in a substantial recovery time and I never felt fully recovered. Imagine the horror that I felt when the pain returned in March but much worse than before – a further operation was not a viable option in my mind and yet the pain was unbearable.
My referral to Mr Ishaque was by chance in part, having read an article from him in the local press only a few days earlier.
At the first meeting I was treated with the utmost respect and courtesy, immediately feeling at ease with Mr Ishaque. MRI and X-rays were arranged immediately and on my second visit it was quickly identified that whilst there were 3 discs ruptured and pressing on the sciatic nerve, hence the pain, the route cause was degenerative scoliosis. This was a condition that should have been picked up in 2009 and indeed if it had may have dictated a different treatment route.
Mr Ishaque took as much time as necessary at every meeting to discuss the condition in detail and the proposed treatment. Whilst surgery was an option this was not a route Mr Ishaque would take lightly and other options were discussed. Over the course of 4 months I received 2 sets of spinal injections which improved the condition each time, followed up with comprehensive physiotherapy.
Each time I was admitted for the injections I was treated with the utmost care and professionalism and never had any concerns whatsoever. Any queries were quickly addressed through the team, including Linda Hamilton liaising directly with BUPA when clarification was needed.
The pain is now much improved with only occasional bad days which are manageable – I am under no illusion that further treatment may at some stage be necessary but the thought of this gives me no cause for concern knowing I would be in the best possible hands.
In summary, I would like to say thank you to Mr Ishaque, Dr Da Silva and to Linda who have not only taken care of my physical well being but have also alleviated all the mental anguish that can go with these conditions. I have recommended Mr Ishaque to others and will continue to do so – Thank You